Economic Impact Study

Economic Impact Study

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What is the Economic Impact Study?

First, an Economic Impact Study examines the effect of an event on the economy in a specified area. In this case, our Impact Study analyzes the effects of the sand and gravel industry on the province of Alberta. It measures financial impacts through output, GDP, government tax revenues, as well as generated employment. It also compares the gravel industry to other prominent industries in Alberta.

What should the Economic Impact Study be used for?

The Alberta Sand and Gravel Association publishes its Annual Impact Study for use by elected officials, their staff and the greater public to educate themselves on what the sand and gravel industry is, and what it provides to Albertans. It is an independent analysis that aims to answer the question: How does the gravel industry benefit Albertans?

Click below to view the study

Aggregate Facts

Did you know that it takes approximately 60,800 tonnes of aggregate to construct a 1 lane-km of a four lane highway.