External Memberships

The Alberta Sand & Gravel Association participates in other associations, formal and informal, to meet our mandate to our members.

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Below is a list of our external memberships:

Global Aggregate Information Network (GAIN)

GAIN is a coalition of aggregate associations around the work that meet several times a year via video conference and at biannual conventions. Associations discuss best practises, economics, and government relations. ASGA is represented by Executive Director John Ashton.

Aggregate Producers Association of Canada (APAC)

APAC is a coalition of Canadian provincial aggregate associations and road builder association with aggregate committees. APAC meets rough every two months to discuss federal government relations, best practises, government relations, and other issues. ASGA is represented by Past President Dale Soetaert and Executive Director John Ashton

Industrial Task Force (ITF)

ITF representing the views of Alberta employers who are members of the ITF Association on matters related to Workers’ Compensation in Alberta. Membership includes small, medium, and large employers operating in a wide range of industry sectors in Alberta. ASGA is represented by Ryan Becker and Mark Kondro.

Joint Energy/Utility and Forest Products Industry Management Committee (JMC)

The Joint Energy/Utility and Forest Industry Management Committee (JMC) works to maintain the Timber Damage Assessment (TDA) tables, refining or improving the analysis, and developing cooperative resolutions to related industry-wide issues that occasionally arise on the use of the tables. ASGA is represented by President Joe Hustler.

Aggregate Facts

One mile of a 6-lane highway needs 133,500 tonnes of aggregate.