ASGA Truck Registry FAQ

Complaints can be filed anytime with the ASGA 24-hour Truck Registry Complaint Line at 1-866-901-ASGA (2742)

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FAQ Categories

Registry Operations

Complaints and Complaint Management

Truck Information

Registry Operations

Does the ASGA own any of the trucks I see driving in my community?

The ASGA does not own or employ any of the trucks you see in your community. There are currently 3000 trucks registered to the ASGA Truck Registry. Although these trucks carry the ASGA name and decal numbers, the association is in no way involved with the ownership or operations of the vehicles. The ASGA provides the Truck Registry as a service to its members and the public, creating a platform that connects concerned citizens with truck drivers and the companies that employ them.

What is the purpose of having trucks carry ASGA decals?

Being part of the Registry illustrates a commitment by aggregate producers to uphold their haulers to a high standard of operation. When breaches to the minimum operating standards are reported, there is a formal record generated via the ASGA decal number, and the hauler and his/her employer are held to account. Since 2005, the ASGA Truck Registry has improved relationships between aggregate producers, haulers, municipalities, and communities.

If a company holds an ASGA membership, can they employ trucks that are not part of the Truck Registry?

As a member of the ASGA and the Truck Registry Program, producers agree to ONLY use trucks which carry valid and current ASGA Truck Registry decals.

Who is responsible for ensuring ASGA trucks are maintained in good operating condition?

None of the trucks are owned or operated directly by the ASGA; however, they are employed by our member companies. Each company is responsible for ensuring that the trucks they employ abide by Registry standards.

Why do some trucks still have 2015 decals rather than 2016 decals?

In order for registration to be valid, trucks must display renewal decals for the current year, much like you would for your own personal vehicle. Early in the season, it may be that registration renewal is in process. As ASGA membership is voluntary and only member companies are required to hire registered trucks, it may also be that the truck has switched to a non-member employer. Therefore, the company does not require current registration in order for the truck to operate. Concerns regarding valid decals can be directed to the complaint line at 1-866-901-ASGA (2742).

What benefit is the Registry to a Municipal Government?

In the absence of a truck registry, it is difficult to identify trucks or know who to call to report an incident; so, citizens often call the local municipal government office. By incorporating ASGA registration as a requirement in Development Permits, and Haul Road Agreements, Alberta's municipalities are relieved of the burden of managing complaints without any cost to the municipality. The registry and associated costs are paid for by member companies, and managed by ASGA on behalf of our membership.

What happens with the information you get from public complaints?

The data derived from the complaints process is used in a number of ways. We are able to extract the key issues and establish educational and other targeted strategies to address those issues. We also have a formal record associated with each truck and can determine if there are trends of behaviour or technical driving issues associated with a particular vehicle operator. The ASGA office prepares reports that are shared with the Board of Directors and member companies who employ the haulers in question.

Complaints and Complaint Management

I have a damaged windshield from an ASGA registered truck. What can the ASGA do for me?

The ASGA treats rock damage as it does all other complaints. If you have rock damage from an ASGA registered truck, please file a complaint with our call centre 1-866-901-ASGA (2742). Once your complaint has been filed, it will be forwarded to the company employing the truck for follow-up. All incidents are assessed on an individual basis, with the employing company determining an appropriate course of action in agreement with ASGA Truck Registry standards. Please read our Rock Damage Position Statement for more information.

I registered a complaint and haven't heard back. When can I expect to learn the status of my complaint?

If it has been five or more working days and no notes have been made in the investigation file, the ASGA office will contact the company to make them aware of the out-dated complaint. Typically, this issue will resolve itself once the ASGA contacts the company; however, if the issue is still unresolved after several days, the ASGA will send a warning to the company informing them that they will be considered in non-compliance should they continue to leave the comment unaddressed. If the company is found in non-compliance following this warning, the ASGA will assess the case and determine appropriate action.

Sand and gravel trucks continually speed through our town. What can we do?

There are a few things you can do. If the truck(s) carry ASGA decals, record the four digit identifying number and call the information in to the ASGA Toll-free complaint line at 1-866-901-ASGA (2742). You can also contact your local municipality to ask that Bylaw Enforcement and/or other policing agencies increase enforcement. We would also encourage you to lobby your municipality to adopt ASGA Registration in their Haul Road Agreements and Municipal Development Permits.

Who do I contact to give the details about an incident I had with an ASGA registered truck?

The ASGA Truck Registry Program offers a 24-hour, toll-free call centre where members of the public can register complaints. They will collect the details of the incident, and forward the information to the company that employs the truck as well as to the ASGA database. You should be contacted by the truck's employer within a few days of registering the formal complaint. The ASGA office monitors member companies to ensure they provide the necessary follow-up in a timely manner. Please note that if you try to contact the ASGA office directly in regards to complaints, you will be re-directed to the call centre.

What happens if I call the ASGA 1 888 number to register a complaint?

You will be asked to identify the ASGA truck number as well as details of the incident you are reporting. They will also take your contact information. Once the complaint is recorded, it will be uploaded to the ASGA database and a copy will automatically be sent to the company that registered that particular truck. The company will contact the complainant, then will follow-up with the driver (feedback, education, or other measures where appropriate). The employing company will then reconnect with the complainant to advise them of any action taken. Once these steps have been completed, the employing company closes the investigation file.

Does registering a complaint with the ASGA Truck Registry provide me with the same investigative process, and potential recourse, as lodging a complaint with the RCMP, Police or Provincial Sheriffs?

The ASGA Truck Registry complaint system is not a legal process. It is a mechanism to highlight the partnership between aggregate producers, haulers, municipalities and communities. Being part of the Registry illustrates a commitment by aggregate producers to uphold their haulers to a high standard of operation. When breaches to the minimum operating standards are reported, there is a formal record generated and the hauler is held to account. Concerned citizens who register a complaint with the ASGA Truck Registry can also report the incident to the appropriate law enforcement agency, and are encourage to do so when they witness serious or dangerous incidents.

Truck Information

I have my own truck and would like to register it with the ASGA. What do I need to know?

Only those member companies with provincial and municipal permits for sand and gravel operations (i.e. Regular Members) have access to register trucks through the Truck Registry. As an individual owner/operator, if the company that employs you is an ASGA member, they must register your truck for you.

If a gravel truck pulls a trailer, do both the truck and trailer require decals?

Trucks are required to carry a decal that is visible on the back, the left side, and the front bumper at all times. Trailers are also required to be decaled and, if interchangeable, must be re-decaled to match the main truck decal.

What happens if I haul for other employers that are not part of the ASGA or the sand and gravel industry?

Some aspects of sand and gravel operations are seasonal. In the offseason, trucks may be employed in other areas, such as snow removal. As long as the truck carries ASGA registration, our Association will continue to maintain statistics on their driving behaviours as documented through the ASGA Toll-free complaint line.

Does ASGA have minimum operating standards or Best Practices that registered trucks are expected to follow?

The Truck Registry was developed to help the sand and gravel industry build and demonstrate a commitment to the communities in which they operate. We do articulate minimum operating standards, including:

  • No overweight loads and mandatory tarping
  • Swept box sides and an end gate check of each load before leaving pit
  • Individual producer-hauler agreement in place
  • Required municipal road use agreements in place

If a truck is sold, can the new owner keep the same ASGA decals?

Once a truck has received a four digit decal number, the specific registration number stays with the truck, not the driver of the vehicle. However, the trucker is responsible for ensuring that his/her contact information is updated in the Truck Registry through their employing ASGA member.

Aggregate Facts

In the past 60 years, the per capita consumption of aggregate has increased from 3.5 tonnes per year to 12 tonnes annually.